
Active Directory (Listing All Computers in Active Directory)

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Hi All I am very new to VB.net, I want to learn about getting information from Active Directory, I use to do this via ADSI. I have seen the following code, that should List all the computers in active directory: 'ActiveDirectorySearch1 'Displays all computer names in an Active Directory 'Written 08/26/02 - John O'Donnell - [email protected] Imports System Imports System.DirectoryServices Namespace ActiveDirectorySearch1 Class Class1 Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String) 'Note : microsoft is the name of my domain for testing purposes. Dim enTry As DirectoryEnTry = New DirectoryEnTry("LDAP://microsoft") Dim mySearcher As DirectorySearcher = New DirectorySearcher(enTry) mySearcher.Filter = ("(objectClass=computer)") Console.WriteLine("Listing of computers in the Active Directory") Console.WriteLine("======================") Dim resEnt As SearchResult For Each resEnt In mySearcher.FindAll() Console.WriteLine(resEnt.GetDirectoryEnTry().Name.ToString()) Next Console.WriteLine("=========== End of Listing =============") End Sub End Class End Namespace Not a problem, add a new class, and paste the code in, drag "DirectoryEntry" & "DirectorySeacher" onto the form, and this adds System.DirectoryServices to the References. But what do I do now, If I add a button, and add "Main()" to the click, I get the following error: An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in system.windows.forms.dll Additional information: It is invalid to start a second message loop on a single thread. Use Application.RunDialog or Form.ShowDialog instead. Any help would be good. Richard

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