
ajax toolkit always visible extender is not working in ie browser

i am developing small appliction that is.in that i want to place a div element always top right it work fine in firefox browser but it not working in ie what is the problem microsoft official site also have that problem..  if any solution plz give me any suggestion aslo
check this link in ie as well as firefox
my code is

<div ID="divVisible" runat="server" style="background-color:#f09699;border:solid 1px #000000; width:100px;height:150px">
This is the control that I always want
to be visible.at middel Right
see the effect by scroll Down

<asp:AlwaysVisibleControlExtender ID="AlwaysVisibleControlExtender1" TargetControlID="divVisible" runat="server" HorizontalSide="Right" VerticalSide="Middle"
VerticalOffset ="20" HorizontalOffset="20" ScrollEffectDuration=".1">
Answers (2)
Manikavelu Velayutham

Manikavelu Velayutham

NA 9.1k 1.6m 14y

DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
Check whether this line is present in your aspx page. AjaxcontrolToolkit wont work properly, if this line is not present in your page


NA 1.9k 438.7k 14y
Hello Koti,

i have tested both, the link of microsoft as well as your code, and found its working fine. the browsers i tested on are:

IE: 8.0.6001.12702
Chrome: 6.30.472.55

it seems the problem is with a specific version of IE. which version of IE are you using..?

Thanks and Regards