Almost Got It Except For:
I am just learning C# and I seem to have ran into a brick wall. I have tried the
documentation help and everything I try produces an error unless I leave out the
Math.exp method and then it runs but the answer is wrong. This is the new formula
for calculating wind chill. I need to raise the power of v(wind speed) to the 0.16
power and I'm stuck. The old formula used Math.sqrt to find the square root of v and
I had no problem there. What am I overlooking?
// The Formula: 35.74 + 0.6215T - 35.75(V "exp 0.16") + 0.4275T(V "exp 0.16")
int t = int.Parse (textBox1.Text); // Temperature
double v = double.Parse (textBox2.Text); // Wind Speed
if (v < 2) belowTwo();
double c1 = 35.74; // c1 thru c5 are constants
double c2 = 0.6215;
double c3 = 35.75;
double c4 = 0.4275;
error: double c5 = 0.16; // c5 holds raise to the power of constant
no overload for method> double power = Math.Exp (v,c5);
'Exp'takes '2' double s1 = c2 * t; // s1 thru s5 are the steps of precedence
arguments double s2 = c3 * power;
double s3 = c4 * t; // s3 holds the answer to 0.4275 * Temperature
double s4 = s3 * power;
double s5 = c1 + s1 + s4;
double s6answer = s5 - s2;
float roundedAnswer = System.Convert.ToSingle (s6answer);
textBox3.Text = ("With this temperature & wind speed " +
"it feels like: ") + roundedAnswer.ToString() + " (°F)";
Any suggestions would be nice.
Thanks from Tripsalot and I think I'll be reeding this forum alot.