hi ,
I am trying to create the graph shown below in asp.net using chart controls
My data table contain tw0 columns for X axis (Date Type) and Y axis (Double Type) values - ()below)
.aspx code
<asp:Chart ID="chartTest" Width="750px" EmptyChartText="Data Not Available." Height="500px" runat="server">
<asp:Series ChartType="Line" ChartArea="chartArea" Name="series" ></asp:Series>
<asp:ChartArea Name="chartArea">
<AxisX IsStartedFromZero="true" Interval="15" IntervalType="Minutes" >
<LabelStyle Interval="15" IntervalType="Minutes" />
vb code
chartTest.DataSource=mydatatable chartTest.Series(0).XValueMember =XDatechartTest.Series(0).YValueMembers =YValuei am getting the graph correctly but some problems in the labels in the X axis . Its not showing anything
Now graph look this
pls help