
Best approach to display xml file content in asp.net webpage

Madhu Jayapal

Madhu Jayapal


Hi Experts,

I would like to develop an UI in asp.net using C# for below kind of sample XML file.

I know we can go for XSLT transformations, after googling, in xslt we can mention plain HTML UI control. What I need to asp.net server controls and need to handle its events in code behind page.

I also know, in WPF after reading XML and prepare a xaml and give xaml to a render control, which will take care of displaying to UI

But I’m looking in asp.net webForm pages

Could anyone suggest best approach to follow with some samples?

Many Thanks,

Sample XML file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>



<FirstName value=”TestFirst” />

<LastName value=”TestLast”/>



<Name value="" host="" sycTime="1" maxCount="10" />




<Checkboxes value="true" />


<column columntext="FirstName" width="" datatype="string" isreadonly="true" />

<column columntext=" LastName " width="" datatype="date" isreadonly="false" />

<column columntext="Date" width="" datatype="date" isreadonly="false" />

</Columns >


<FilterType value="FirstName" label="string" />

<FilterType value="LastName" label="string" />





<FName value=”SectionFName” />

<LName value=”SectionLName”/>



<FName value=”SectionFName” />

<LName value=”SectionLName”/>





<list list_name="ListName1" list_path="/ABC/Xyz">

<item item_text="ItemText" item_name="ItemName1"/>

<item item_text="ItemText" item_name="ItemName1"/>


<list list_name="ListName2" list_path="/ABC2/Xyz2">

<item item_text="ItemText" item_name="ItemName1"/>

<item item_text="ItemText" item_name="ItemName1"/>


</ListsOne >


<list list_name="ListName1" list_path="/ABC/Xyz">

<item item_text="ItemText" item_name="ItemName1"/>

<item item_text="ItemText" item_name="ItemName1"/>


<list list_name="ListName2" list_path="/ABC2/Xyz2">

<item item_text="ItemText" item_name="ItemName1"/>

<item item_text="ItemText" item_name="ItemName1"/>




Answers (3)
Manav Pandya

Manav Pandya

NA 7.1k 24k 7y
Yes that's true , but you can share once only . [Not Every time]
Than you can get unlimited book download functionality 
So go for it , Thanks :) 
Ardell Craft

Ardell Craft

NA 31 179 7y
I have clicked "Share on Facebook" button, typed a post and no download.  It just give me the popup over and over again.  It seems the ebook is remaining locked.  I am logged into the c-sharpcorner.com website and my facebook account
I see many users have had the same problem and have requested the ebook to be sent to their email address.  
Am I doing something wrong?