Hi Friends I am trying to bind drop down from database. I am getting data from database by calling wep api using HTTP service. Below is my code
1. To get data from database
public string ds2json()
sqlCommand.CommandText = "Select Id,Monthname From tbl_month";
sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
// Use connection object of base class
sqlCommand.Connection = MainConnection;
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
adapter.SelectCommand = sqlCommand;
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ds, Formatting.Indented);
2. Web Api
.then(function (responce) {
$scope.Months = responce.data;
When I called web api I got below json data
"Table": [
"Id": 1,
"Monthname": "Apr"
"Id": 2,
"Monthname": "May"
"Id": 3,
"Monthname": "Jun"
"Id": 4,
"Monthname": "Jul"
"Id": 5,
"Monthname": "Aug"
"Id": 6,
"Monthname": "Sep"
"Id": 7,
"Monthname": "Oct"
"Id": 8,
"Monthname": "Nov"
"Id": 9,
"Monthname": "Dec"
"Id": 10,
"Monthname": "Jan"
"Id": 11,
"Monthname": "Feb"
"Id": 12,
"Monthname": "Mar"
I need to bind this Id as value and Month name as text for drop down in angular js.
May be my problem with multiple objects in this data
"Table": [{} ],"Table1": [{} ]