
Building a pass-through page for downloading MP3 files

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Rob Galvin

Rob Galvin


I have a .net 2.0 (C#) app that basically serves up podcasts. Some of the MP3 files are local to the app some are pointing externally. I would like to be able to 'count' downloads for both. Therfore I cam trying to come up with a page that sits in the middle to basically handle the call to the Db to update the hit count for that particular MP3 file. In my podcast XML I point the url for the enclosure to this middle page, passing in a aparamter for the 'real' URL. The middle page basically calls the DB and then basically does a redirect. The problem is Itunes doesn't like this 'middle' page. Any ideas on how to fool iTunes into thinking the 'first' URL is a 'good' MP3 file?


middle page:

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)


Page.Response.ContentType = "audio/mpeg";

string reqUrl = Request.QueryString["url"];



string reqID = Request.QueryString["id"];

SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["db"].ToString());

SqlCommand adapter = new SqlCommand("RSSUpdateChannelItemStats", cnn);

adapter.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

adapter.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ItemID", reqID));


int rows = adapter.ExecuteNonQuery();



catch (Exception ex)



Response.Redirect(reqUrl, false);
