
C# Coder Wanted for Server Software

Sam Fowler

Sam Fowler

Hello, this is Sam AKA Herocane, I am a lead developer of a C# Server software called "MCDerp" for a game called Minecraft, we strive in creating and improving commands. We started off by using the source code of another software "MCLawl" and we have greatly improved it, however, our skill lies mainly in the Server area, and  we are in desperate need of a C# Developer to help us improve our Console/GUI. 

Your Job:
You will be added to our dropbox and devteam along with skype group chat, you will then make yourself feel comfortable with the software by maybe testing stuff out on one of our servers, after playing for a while in one of the servers, and once you have got used to thinks, you can have a look around the source code to see how we have done things. Then maybe you can start helping us.

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