
C# program

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Caleb Adeyemo

Caleb Adeyemo

Please I need help writing the followoing program:1) I need to display my picture, name, class, date, and my instructor information(here I'll only need the code to do this). I also need to display the current time of day each second. 2) When the Show Picture button is pressed, show a picture in the box. 3) I need to use  Radio buttons for the Skill Level and select the Beginner as the default selection. 4) A combo-box with the following five items: apple, grape, orange, pear, plum are also to be created.6) When the Calculate Total button is pressed, it should calculate the total cost and write the value to the Total Cost textbox. 7) The Clear Cost button will clear the three textboxes. When the Print button is pressed, it will: (a) Display the Skill Level selected by the radio buttons., b) Display which fruit is selected from the combo-box. c) Display the fruit index selected from the combo-box. d) Display the cost of each fruit. e) Display the number of fruits. f) Display the total cost of the fruits. Finally, the Clear button will clear the rich TextBox.
Thanks for your anticipated response.

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