
Calling an Oracle Stored Procedure from a Gridview

Eric Keesee

Eric Keesee



I'm trying to do a straight forward call to an Oracle Stored Procedure from a GridView Web Control using UpdateQuery.  I created a simple procedure (then tried a package) with no parameters (then with a parameter) and tried to call it from UpdateQuery. 

 I either get a Internal .Net Framework Data Provider error 30  with a parameter or

Encountered the symbol "UARF_FUNCTIONAL_UPDATE" when expecting one of the following:

  := . ( @ % ;

without using a paremeter.

My updatequery on the sqldatasource control is:

exec uarf_functional_update;

I'm sure I'm missing something very simple (syntax or something), but I can't find the right direction in my help material.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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