I need to retrieve my data with the button "next" and "back" for example. I cant resolve it. I have this famous message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.OleDb;
namespace Office
public partial class VisualRecursosHumanos : Form
private OleDbConnection bookConn;
private OleDbCommand oleDbCmd = new OleDbCommand();
private String connParam = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\office\office\\app_data\office.mdb;Persist Security Info=False";
public VisualRecursosHumanos()
bookConn = new OleDbConnection(connParam);
DataSet ds;
int rno;
private void button71_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
oleDbCmd.Connection = bookConn;
oleDbCmd.CommandText = "insert into funcionario (code, nome, saudacoes, abreviado, data, idade, matricula, tipocadastro, departamento, CP, classificacao, banco, agencia, contacorrente, foto) values ('" + this.txtCodCadastFunc.Text + "','" + this.txtNomesCadastFunc.Text + "','" + this.cbxSaudacoesCadastFunc.Text + "','"
+ this.txtAbreviadoCadastFunc.Text + "','" + this.DateNascimCadastFuncionario.Value + "','" + this.lblIdadeCadastFunc.Text + "', '" + this.txtMatricCadastFunc.Text + "','" + this.cbxTipoCadastroCadastFunc.Text + "', '"+ this.txtDepartamentoCadastFunc.Text + "','"
+ this.txtCPCadastFunc.Text + "','" + this.cbxClassificacaoCadastFunc.Text + "','" + this.cbxBancoCadastFunc.Text + "','" + this.txtAgenciaCadastFunc.Text + "','" + this.txtCorrenteCadastFunc.Text +"', '"+ this.picBxCadastFunc.Image + "');";
int temp = oleDbCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (temp > 0)
txtNomesCadastFunc.Text = null;
txtCodCadastFunc.Text = null;
cbxSaudacoesCadastFunc.Text = null;
txtAbreviadoCadastFunc.Text = null;
lblIdadeCadastFunc.Text = null;
txtMatricCadastFunc.Text = null;
cbxTipoCadastroCadastFunc.Text = null;
txtDepartamentoCadastFunc.Text = null;
MessageBox.Show("Record Successfuly Added");
MessageBox.Show("Record Fail to Added");
private void VisualRecursosHumanos_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void NavigateRecords()
txtNomesCadastFunc.Text = ds.Tables["funcionario"].Rows[rno][0].ToString();
private void btnNextEnderEnderecFunc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
rno = 0;
MessageBox.Show("no records");