
changing datagridview header text

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hey guys i have a class that i defined variables like that
public string cekilis_no{ get; set; }
public string cekilis_tarihi { get; set; }
public string sayi_bir { get; set; }
public string n_iki { get; set; }
public string n_uc { get; set; }
public string n_dort { get; set; }
public string n_bes { get; set; }
public string n_alti { get; set; }
and i give their values with the datas from my database with SqlDataReader and i show them by datagridview in my form..but my problem is that the headers shown as i wrote in my class like n_bes,n_alti, like here..how i can show it like Number 5 or Number 6 ??

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