Here are some more Basic HTML
Tags to get Maryland website design started: -
<*b>Types the text in
bold.<*/b> This tag will make your words appear bold.
<*i>This should be
italicized.<*/i> This will give your words an italic look.
<*u>Underline this
text.<*/u> This text will be underlined
<*hr /> This forms a
horizontal line. ___________________
color="######">Change color.Text here<*/font> This will
change the color of (1) word. This (######) should be placed with the code for
the color you want to use. For example if you wanted your words to be red the
signs would be replaced with #ff0000
So your code will now look like
this and your text will be red <*font color="#ff0000">Change
color.Text here<*/font>
<*small>This should be in
small.<*/small> Make your text small
Perhaps you may want to combine
some of the basic HTML codes above. Let’s say you want to make your text bold
and italic. This is what your code will look like.
<*b><*i>Text in bold
and italic<*/i><*/b>
Notice they have put both the
bold tag <*b> and the italic tag <*i> together to give them their
bold and italic text. These combinations can also be applied to color. If you
would like to make your text underlined and green, this is how the tag should
color="#00ff00">Change color of 1 word.Text
In all of the above code the * should be
removed to make your code work correctly. The * is used to allow you to
see the actual code but must be removed when placed on your site. These are
just some of the simple things you can do to change the look and feel of your
website. To learn more why not check out some of the online basic HTML
tutorials to get you started and in no time at all you will be past the basics
of HTML and onto pro HTML coding