
Converting to VS2012 C#-ASP.NET 4.5 from 2000 and older.

Albert Ramirez

Albert Ramirez

What I need to accomplish, there are ASP commands that do not have the latest CSS style information and I need to find them within the solution and either replace the outdated style with the new or just add the style for those that do not have the style. The entire solution needs to be traversed or scoured to find every instance making the solution contain a uniform style for this certain ASP control. The solution is rather large with several projects.

I am sure there are several ways that would take time but would imagine there may already be a utility, extension or method that someone has already come up with that may meet or I can utilize by wrapping it with additional code. Also with the many enhancements made to VS 2012 was not sure if the Code Analysis or something similar could do the job.

Ultimately I guess I could write a program to get the top level of every project traverse down the directory path loading up each .CS or .ASP? file read in each line looking for the ASP control, follow the line until I find the CSS style. If it does not exist before the ; either on that line or any following lines until the ; is reached. If the CSS style does not exist or is not correct replace/insert it with the correct one. Then rewrite the file back out.

Thank you in advance.