
Database Query

Danish Habib

Danish Habib

Hi , I have a database design question ,the sceniro is given below i want to ask how the database design would be which tables and columns and their relationship is .
1-I have users into the system and each user have assigned some question for which he/she has to answer .
2-Question are of two type one is single values and other is multi values 
i.e. Number of schools established in villages 
1)for boys _______(some value) 2) for girls _____(Some values)
the above question type is multivalue 
Now the single value question is 
i.e. No of hospitals established in villages 
______(some number) this is single value 

The user has to give answer about them 
how to create database tables and their design and schema 
I already knew the total question and their type and as a bad approach i made a table of carrying all question 
below are the table information which i made 
Question table:
1-Question01,Question01Forboy,Question01Forgirl,Question2,question3 ETC

Answer Table 
AnswerID,QuestionID,ForBoy,Forgirl (this table contains four columns if even the question is not of type multivalue then these columns contains nulls )

Answers (1)