
DataGrid in .NET CF 2.0

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Hello all

I am new to .NET. I am looking for some guidance.

I need to create an .NET CF application for Windows Mobile 5/6 device which involves showing the user a GRID of "N x M" cells. User cannot edit cells or create new cells. It just a GRID display with static text and the user should be able to move from cell to cell and I should be able to highlight the cell they moving over.

1. I am looking for a some sample code for this grid. Usually I get the Win32 samples from the Microsoft Visual Studio installs. But I couldn't find any .NET CF samples from MSDN of .NET CF 2.0 install.

Could any one pleasae let me know where I can find MSDN .NET CF samples? Any links please.

2. Could you please guide me how I can achive the above requirement?

Thank you very much for any help!