
Date property and CDate function

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hello all Im coding a calendar project and Im close to finished... I need help in displaying the date in the text property of groupbox. The displayed date needs to include the day of the week eg Wednesday or Thursday, etc. so I need to use the .ToLongDateString property. The project uses 3 forms. An opening one where the user selects a month and a year, a second form contains the actual calendar display comprised of labels, and a third form which is accessed by clicking a label in a month from the second form. The second form month is selected from a dropbox, the year from a textbox, and the day of the month from the label selection. The month is stored in a global variable gintMonthofYear and the day of the month in a global variable gintDayofWeek. (I used integers because the third form implements random access files to read and retrieve memos for each day of each month of each year.) Anyway, any input is welcome. Appreciate the time.

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