DropDownList Data Binding
hi all,
In asp.net with dropdownlist control i have bind the dataset... as following
DropDownList.DataTextField = "CompanyName"
DropDownList.DataSource = dataset
In dropdownlist I made autoPostback = true, and when the dropdownlist select index changed event fires i have shown some info according to the selected company.
ok now to the problem....... :-)
All i want is when i bind the data to the drop down list, i want to show the first item in the drop down list to be "[Select a Company]". becoz if somebody wants to select the first item in the DDL it will not postback. So i need a solution for this and also i need to use a asp.net validation control for the DDL list. becoz the user cannot press the button (the page will not post )without selecting a company. So please help me out on this problem.
tks in advance..