dears,advance thanks.can anybdy help to solve my problem which is describing below.
i did a socket application which is recvng data from a vehicle tracking example is as follows
Example- %%D1,100,0,0004[data...][0d0a]
Head - %%D1
Amount of data package -100
The data package No. - 0
Data Length -1024 (0004 (low bit in front, high bit in back) 0004= 0x0400=1024;)
data- Original Picture data -1024(maximum)
Tail -0x0d0a
Data in hex
the above example i want to extract picture data and need to store in
to the sql table.sql table columname is image and datatype is also
image.after that i wanted to display this image column to an aspx page.
expecting help asap.