Figure golf bets using C#
Would like to figure golf bets with variable number of players week to week.
Handicaps change every two weeks.
I have the "net score for each hole" algorithm complete for taking the gross score and computing if you get a stroke on that hole or not.
I am asking the program the following:
Player name: // not same players every week
Player handicap: // handicap changes every two weeks
Player gross score for all 18 holes: // hole1: hole2, etc.
I am successful up to this point for capturing info for 1 player and writing to array.
I would like to loop and capture the scores, figure bets, etc,. for all the players.
I keep leaning toward using arrays but get errors about using variable again.
I program as hobby and do not make my living doing programs.
Any tips or suggestion would be appreciated.
Here what have so far.
// Name: FigureNetHandicap
// Author - Tim Camper
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class net
public static void Main()
//double hole1net, hole2net, hole3net, hole4net, hole5net, hole6net, hole7net, hole8net, hole9net = 0;
//double hole10net, hole11net, hole12net, hole13net, hole14net, hole15net, hole16net, hole17net, hole18net = 0;
double hole1net = 0;
double hole2net = 0;
double hole3net = 0;
//double hole4net = 0;
//double hole5net = 0;
//double hole6net = 0;
//double hole7net = 0;
//double hole8net = 0;
//double hole9net = 0;
//double hole10net = 0;
//double hole11net = 0;
//double hole12net = 0;
//double hole13net = 0;
//double hole14net = 0;
//double hole15net = 0;
//double hole16net = 0;
//double hole17net = 0;
//double hole18net = 0;
int hole1hcp = 10; // static, does not change
int hole2hcp = 18;
int hole3hcp = 8;
//int hole4hcp = 4;
//int hole5hcp = 12;
//int hole6hcp = 14;
//int hole7hcp = 16;
//int hole8hcp = 2;
//int hole9hcp = 6;
//int hole10hcp = 15; // static, does not change
//int hole11hcp = 17;
//int hole12hcp = 1;
//int hole13hcp = 9;
//int hole14hcp = 13;
//int hole15hcp = 11;
//int hole16hcp = 7;
//int hole17hcp = 3;
//int hole18hcp = 5;
Console.Out.Write("Player1 Name: ");
string playernameString = System.Console.ReadLine();
String NamePlayer1 = System.Convert.ToString(playernameString);
Console.Out.Write("Enter " + NamePlayer1 + "'s Handicap: ");
string handi1String = System.Console.ReadLine();
double Player1Handicap = System.Convert.ToDouble(handi1String);
ArrayList Player1Gross = new ArrayList(); // Array for Gross Score for Player1
ArrayList Player1Net = new ArrayList(); // Array for Net Score for Player1
Console.Out.Write("Hole 1 Gross: "); // Player1 enters gross score for hole # 1
string num1String = System.Console.ReadLine();
double hole1gross = System.Convert.ToDouble(num1String); // hole1gross is gross score for hole # 1
if (hole1hcp >= Player1Handicap) // (if loop) figures Player1 net for hole # 1
hole1net = hole1gross; // hole1net and hole1gross gets added to array after entering all gross scores for Player1.
else hole1net = hole1gross - 1;
Console.Out.Write("Hole 2 Gross: ");
string num2String = System.Console.ReadLine();
double hole2gross = System.Convert.ToDouble(num2String);
if (hole2hcp >= Player1Handicap)
hole2net = hole2gross;
else hole2net = hole2gross - 1;
Console.Out.Write("Hole 3 Gross: ");
string num3String = System.Console.ReadLine();
double hole3gross = System.Convert.ToDouble(num3String);
if (hole3hcp >= Player1Handicap)
hole3net = hole3gross;
else hole3net = hole3gross - 1;
//Console.WriteLine("Adding 18 elements");
// Add elements to the array list
Console.WriteLine("Hole 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Out 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 18 In Total");
Console.WriteLine(" Hcp 10 18 08 04 12 14 16 02 06 15 17 01 09 13 11 07 03 05");
Console.WriteLine(" Par 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 5 4 36 4 3 5 4 3 4 5 4 4 36 72");
Console.WriteLine(NamePlayer1 + "'s");
// loop to display the gross score using array indexing
Console.Write("Gross: ");
for (int i = 0; i < Player1Gross.Count; i++) // indexes
Console.Write(Player1Gross[i] + " ");
Console.Write(" / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /");
// loop to display the net score
Console.Write(" Net: ");
for (int i = 0; i < Player1Net.Count; i++)
Console.Write(Player1Net[i] + " ");
// path=C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5
// I put the path in my windows environment, should not have to manualy do.
// ;C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5
// cd c:\A-Temp\csharp
// csc FigureNetHandicap.cs