
fill the dropdown on main form with the value from popup for

piyu ppppp

piyu ppppp

10 years ago
I have a dropdown on main table ,and a select button.
Main.aspx Form

now when i select Item1 and click button my popup form opens,which has grid with ItemId, ItemName ,quantity.I have given Link button on item Id.
Now I want that when I click on the Link button of itemId2 in popup form,the dropdown on the Main form should display the Item with that ItemId.
I have done 1st step to open popup form.Now i need help to complete rest form,i.e to populate the dropdown.(I want to do this using java script)
PopUp.aspx Form
 ItemID ItemName Quantity
 1 Item1 12
 2 Item2 23
 3 Item3 32

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