
form navigation on Pocket PC



Hello I am trying to navigate between 4 forms created with C#, how do move forward/ backward between forms, I have tried creating a constructor for each Form class andthen calling it from within main(), but without success, or should I be creating a new form everytime I want to move between forms. I.E from Form1 to move to Form 2 is it best to do something like this: Form Frm2 = new Form2(); frm2.visible=true, This way I would need to create a new form for every form over again, is this efficient or should I just create all 3 forms from within main() i.e Form Frm1 = new Form1(); Form Frm2 = new Form2(); etc Then when I click on a button on form 1 to go to form 2 use the following : frm2.visible = true; I am struggling with this any help would be very much appreciated TIA Nick