
GamingCafe App (ctrl+alt+delete)

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Rene Nielsen

Rene Nielsen

hey, i am creating a program that starts automatically(fullscreen) when explorer starts. this program needs to be the only accessible thing the user can do

it will have a menu with different games, the internet and so on(where u can start them from). my problem is that the user can still just press ctrl+alt+delete and close the program i searched the internet for about 2hours but cant seem to find anything sticky

the only solutions i found was

1. making a new gina.dll <- dont know how to and dont know if it works
2. editing the DisableTskMgr regfile  <- cant get it to work
3. people telling to capture keypresses <- not working since the os will get it before the program
4. accessing the taskmgr.exe and keep outsiders from accesing the file


File.Open(@"C:\Windows\System32\taskmgr.exe", System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite, System.IO.FileShare.None);

my system is Windows 7

This is only a fun app running on my own local machine so i am not going to hack or make a virus etc with this information.

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