Getting set of strings from a long string in c#
Hi Friends,
I have a string.From that i need to get some strings like..
Ex: string s = " A tag Name [$tag1$] ..........some strings..........[$tag2$]..........[$tag3$]
Now form this string i need to get data between [$ and $].
If any one having any idea please let me know.
Answers (2)
0 You can clear your browser cache manually or write a code for it. I am using jquery for it.
- $('.button').click(function() {
- $.ajax({
- url: "",
- context: document.body,
- success: function(s,x){
- $('html[manifest=saveappoffline.appcache]').attr('content', '');
- $(this).html(s);
- }
- });
- });
0 mostly the proxy server caches the content of web pages,it's not your browser
if you check outside your organization it will be working.