
Getting set of strings from a long string in c#

jagadish patil

jagadish patil

Hi Friends, I have a string.From that i need to get some strings like.. Ex: string s = " A tag Name [$tag1$] ..........some strings..........[$tag2$]..........[$tag3$] Now form this string i need to get data between [$ and $]. If any one having any idea please let me know.
Answers (2)
Niradhip Chakraborty

Niradhip Chakraborty

NA 6.5k 526.8k 15y

1) DataReader does not implement any specific interface so that it can
be bindable
2) DataReader is for reading data.So if some how u r able to bind
that,it won't allow u to edit that.So it's of no use.
3) DataReader is forward only,that means u can get a record at a time
but can't traverse back to the prev record.

This code shows how to bind gridview with data reader
Use this code on page load

void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  String Q;
  Sql command cmd;
  Sql DataReader dr;

  SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();

  conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings        ["cn"].ConnectionString.ToString();

Q = "select * from tablename";
cmd= New Sqlcommand(Q, conn); 
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();         
Gridview1.DataSource = dr;

Kirtan Patel

Kirtan Patel

NA 35k 2.8m 15y
When you bind Data reader to gridView

it iterates through  records one by one and All records Rendered One bye one in HTML Table row

so as a result you see data in Grid View .