its a single gridview control not gridview inside gridview...
For that what you have to do is.. take "Edit" Command :
<asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="true" ButtonType="button" UpdateText="Post Scrap" EditText="Reply">
and for <EditItemTemplate> take the textbox... so when you click on edit it will show the Textbox to send scrap..
in gridview's item template for the table field "Scrap(message)" take lable control"
and write the GridView1_RowUpdating you have to write the statements to insert query into scraps table...
if any query you can ask..
hello.... i wnt like orkut...
anyone how hv post an scrap.....when we click on reply....
below reply how a textbox appears.........
plz help...........
and i want to ... bind gridview within gridview manually not by using wizard........ 0
are you binding your griviews using sqldatasource or you bind progrmatically..??
you can visit this video