
help - out of bound error

mike Hanin

mike Hanin


hi, I wrote a program to input senteces, to analyze them and to give me the numer of words in the sentece, the program is running and compiling, but after I put in the sentence and get the number of words from the program I also get "out of bound" and a general error, can anybody take a look,


thanks in advance Mike.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

namespace sentence


class WordCount


static void Main(string[] args)


string sentence;

string[] wordList;

string word;

int[] sizeCount = new int[6];

int i;

int characterCount = 0;

string runAgain;

bool continueRunning = true;

Console.WriteLine("The program will analyze sentences you type in.");

while (continueRunning == true)


for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)


sizeCount[i] = 0;



Console.Write("Please enter a sentence: ");

sentence = Console.ReadLine();

while (sentence.Length == 0)


Console.Write("You must enter some text. Please try again: ");

sentence = Console.ReadLine();



wordList = sentence.Split(new char[] { ' ' });

Console.WriteLine("The number of words in the sentence is " + wordList.Length);

for (i = 0; i <= wordList.Length; i++)


word = wordList[i].Trim();

if (word.Length > 0)


if (word.Length > 5)








characterCount = characterCount + word.Length;



Console.WriteLine("The number of words with 1 letter is " + sizeCount[1]);

for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++)


Console.WriteLine("The number of words with " + i + " letters is " + sizeCount[i]);


Console.WriteLine("The number of words with 6 or more letters is " + sizeCount[0]);

Console.WriteLine("The number of non-white space characters is " + characterCount);


Console.Write("Do you want to analyse another sentence (Y/N)? ");

runAgain = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

while (runAgain != "Y" && runAgain != "N")


Console.Write("Please enter Y or N: ");

runAgain = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();


if (runAgain == "Y")


continueRunning = false;






Answers (2)