i am trying to loop columns in a row using another loop result. That is, i have to show date of Sundays/Mondays/Tuesdays... belongs to a month in dynamic columns of an Excel sheet using PHPExcel. My code is:
$lastColumn = $objSheet->getHighestColumn();
for ($column = 'E'; $column != $lastColumn; $column++) {
$str = $year.'-'.$month.'-';
for($i=1; $i<31; $i++)
$ddd = $str.$i;
$date = date('Y-m-D-d', $time = strtotime($ddd) );
if( strpos($date, $day) )
$date_new = date('d-m-Y', $time = strtotime($ddd) );
I am getting the result as :
Each loop individually giving the result. But nested loop is not working properly.
What is the error in my code? Please help me to find out....