
How do i retrive image from word document.

Kaushal Pathak

Kaushal Pathak

        I have one page which contains file upload control use can upload word file on it,now i want to read that uploaded word file and retrive text and images from that word file.now upto text retriving i have solved my issue but if i want to retrive image and want to save on my application folder thatn what can i do? plz suggest me.
now for image retrving i want some advance suppose for example :

Q1 This is First Question.
A1 This image is answer
      <<here my image>>

Q2 This is Second Question
A2 This image is answer
       <<here my second image>>.

now i want first image for selecte area means for question 1 only,
after retriving first question than after i want second image.
so if any one have solution for same,then plz give me solution.
thanks in advance.

Answers (1)