i want to update multiple column value using Ef of one record but its does not give any error and there is no updating tooHide Expand Copy Code Entities ef1 = new Entities();
int id1 = SafeConvert.ToInt16(ddlRollNo.SelectedValue);
var emp1 = (from em in ef1.ModifiedNames where em.Id == id select em).FirstOrDefault();
var Emp1 =(from em in ef1.Employees where em.Id == emp.BeltNo select em).FirstOrDefault();
CTP.HRMS.WebApp.EF.Employee Emp = new EF.Employee(); Emp.UserName = MyUser.UserName;
Emp.EntryDate = DateTime.Now;
Emp.Id =Emp.Id ;
Emp.CtrNo = txtCtrNo.Text;
Emp.Rank_Id = SafeConvert.ToByte(ddlRank.SelectedValue);
Emp.Name = txtName.Text;
Emp.Fathername = txtFatherName.Text;
Emp.Address = txtAddress.Text;
Emp.Height = txtHeight.Text;
Emp.Chest = txtChest.Text;
Emp.Caste = txtCaste.Text;
Emp.DistinguishMark = txtDistinguishMark.Text;
Emp.Cnic = txtCnic.Text;
Emp.SeniorityNo = SafeConvert.ToInt16(txtSeniorityNo.Text);
Emp.DateOfBirth = SafeConvert.ToDateTime(txtDateOfBirth.Text);
Emp.DateOfEnrollment = SafeConvert.ToDateTime(txtDateOfEnrollment.Text);
Emp.Education_Id = SafeConvert.ToByte(ddlEducation.SelectedValue);
Emp.Province_Id = SafeConvert.ToByte(ddlProvince.SelectedValue);
Emp.District_Id = SafeConvert.ToByte(ddlDistrict.SelectedValue);
Emp.EntryTestMarks = SafeConvert.ToDecimal(txtEntryTestMarks.Text);
Emp.CourceTestMarks = SafeConvert.ToDecimal(txtCourceTestMarks.Text);
Emp.CellNo = txtCellNo.Text;
Emp.MartialStatus_Id = SafeConvert.ToByte(ddlMartialStatus.SelectedValue);
Emp.OtherQualification = txtOtherQualification.Text;
Emp.IsEligibalForRouteDuty = txtIsEligibalForRouteDuty.Checked;
Emp.ImgBody = (Emp.ImgBody == null) ? new byte[0] : EmpImg.ImgBody;
//Image saving code Byte[] imgByte = null;
if (txtEpPicture.HasFile && txtEpPicture.PostedFile != null)
//To create a PostedFile
HttpPostedFile File = txtEpPicture.PostedFile;
//Create byte Array with file len imgByte = new Byte[File.ContentLength];
//force the control to load data in array File.InputStream.Read(imgByte, 0, File.ContentLength);
Emp.ImgBody = imgByte;
} ef1.Employees.Attach(ef1.Employees.Single(x => x.Id == Emp1.Id));
MsgLitteral.ShowNotificationInline("Employee Has Been Updated", true);
how to update multiple field using EF?? PLZ