What is the easiest way to validate textboxes that need to be checked before they go through. I have 2 tables I have to insert my data into as well and that's just for one group, in total I have 3 groups but just a helpful tip towards the one will be fine.
It needs to be checked before it runs so how would I do it before the try/catch block and still just use the one button click.
I have the main table which is 'Person' and then 3 sub tables; 'Student', 'Teacher', 'Administration'.
Not all the textboxes need to be validated. sAdd2.Text and StudentType.Text.
My normal code is
private void sNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
personTableAdapter.Insert(sFirstName.Text, sSurname.Text,
Convert.ToDateTime(sDoB.Text), sPhone.Text, sAdd1.Text, sAdd2.Text,
sSuburb.Text, sState.Text, sPostcode.Text, StudentType.Text);
Convert.ToDateTime(sSDate.Text), sQCode.Text);
MessageBox.Show(sFirstName.Text + " " + sSurname.Text + " has been added");
Admin f1 = new Admin();
catch (Exception ex)
I have tried to use errorProvider and it doesn't stop to check, it just runs and checks and still submits into the database.