I use access database and I have these queries, i.e. command strings:
comstring1="SELECT MAGACIN.GBR, MAGACIN.DATA, NOVI.AB, Sum(IIf([sifra]='0992201',[kol],Null)) AS Addblue,Sum(IIf([sifra]='0999001',[kol],Null)) AS Antifriz, Sum(IIf([sifra]='0991000',[kol],Null)) AS Gorivo, Sum(IIf([sifra]='0993050',[kol],Null)) AS Motmaslo, Sum(IIf([sifra]='0992201',[kol],Null))/Sum(IIf([sifra]='0991000',[kol],Null))*100 AS Addbluegorivo FROM MAGACIN INNER JOIN NOVI ON MAGACIN.GBR = NOVI.GBR GROUP BY MAGACIN.GBR, MAGACIN.DATA, NOVI.AB HAVING (((MAGACIN.GBR)=[@gbr1]) AND ((NOVI.AB)=[@ab1] or (NOVI.AB)=[@ab2]) AND ((MAGACIN.DATA)>=[data1] And (MAGACIN.DATA)<=[data2])) ORDER BY MAGACIN.DATA";
GBR | DATA | AB | Addblue | Antifriz | Gorivo | Motaslo | Addbluegor |
1001 | 10.10.2011 | GP |
| 115 |
1001 | 11.10.2011 | GP |
| 40 |
1001 | 12.10.2011 | GP | 12 |
| 110 |
| 10.909090 |
100 | 13.10.2011 | GP | 12 |
| 125 |
| 9.6 |
comstring2 = "SELECT NALOG1.GBRV, NALOG1.DATA, Min(IIf([NALOG1.GBRV] = [@gbr1] And ((NOVI.AB)=[@ab1] or (NOVI.AB)=[@ab2]) And[NALOG1].[POCKM]>0,[NALOG1.POCKM],Null)) AS pockm, Max(IIf( [NALOG1.GBRV]= [@gbr1] And ((NOVI.AB)=[@ab1] or (NOVI.AB)=[@ab2]) and ([NALOG1.DATA]>=[@data1]) And ([NALOG1.DATA]<=[@data2]),[NALOG1.KRAJKM],NULL)) AS krajkm, (Max(IIf([NALOG1.GBRV]= [@gbr1] And ((NOVI.AB)=[@ab1] or (NOVI.AB)=[@ab2]) and ([NALOG1.DATA]>=[@data1]) And ([NALOG1.DATA]<=[@data2]) ,[NALOG1.KRAJKM],NULL))-(Min(IIf([NALOG1.GBRV] = [@gbr1] And ((NOVI.AB)=[@ab1] or (NOVI.AB)=[@ab2]) And[NALOG1].[POCKM]>0,[NALOG1.POCKM],Null))) ) AS Razlika, Max(NOVI.DATAP) AS Poslprov, Max(NOVI.DATAS) AS Poslserv, Sum(NALOG1.km) AS sumkm, Max(NOVI.KMP1) AS KMP, Max(NOVI.KMS1) AS KMS FROM NALOG1 INNER JOIN NOVI ON NALOG1.GBRV = NOVI.GBR GROUP BY NALOG1.GBRV, NALOG1.DATA HAVING ( ((NALOG1.GBRV)=[@gbr1]) AND ((NALOG1.DATA)>=[@data1] And (NALOG1.DATA)<=[@data2]) )";
GBRV | DATA | pockm | krajkm | Razlika | Poslprov | Poslserv | sumkm | kmp | kms |
1001 | 10.10.2011 | 43580 | 43867 | 287 |
| 27.09.2011 | 287 | 41400 | 41400 |
1001 | 11.10.2011 | 43867 | 43967 | 100 |
| 27.09.2011 | 100 | 41400 | 41400 |
1001 | 12.10.2011 | 43967 | 44254 | 287 |
| 27.09.2011 | 287 | 41400 | 41400 |
1001 | 13.10.2011 | 44254 | 44541 | 287 |
| 27.09.2011 | 287 | 41400 | 41400 |
I want to fill two tables in the dataset with them and get a result (joint tables, I can't join them now, the second should be after the Addbluegor column, so I want one table)
GBR | DATA | AB | Addblue | Antifriz | Gorivo | Motaslo | Addbluegor |
1001 | 10.10.2011 | GP |
| 115 |
1001 | 11.10.2011 | GP |
| 40 |
1001 | 12.10.2011 | GP | 12 |
| 110 |
| 10.909090 |
100 | 13.10.2011 | GP | 12 |
| 125 |
| 9.6 |
| pockm | krajkm | Razlika | Poslprov | Poslserv | sumkm | kmp | kms |
| 43580 | 43867 | 287 |
| 27.09.2011 | 287 | 41400 | 41400 |
| 43867 | 43967 | 100 |
| 27.09.2011 | 100 | 41400 | 41400 |
| 43967 | 44254 | 287 |
| 27.09.2011 | 287 | 41400 | 41400 |
| 44254 | 44541 | 287 |
| 27.09.2011 | 287 | 41400 | 41400 |
When I use them as queries in access I get correct values, but when I use them in the C# application the result is different.
Could anybody help me please?