Its done... Thanks for help.
here I defined two connection object
var SignalrConnection;
var ChatProxy;
var SignalrConnection1;
var ChatProxy1;
first two inilitised by function
function Connect() {
ChatServerUrl = "http://localhost:58416/";
var ChatUrl = ChatServerUrl + "signalr";
like this connect second two
function Connect1() {
ChatServerUrl1 = "http://localhost:3456/"; //something like this
var ChatUrl1 = ChatServerUrl + "signalr";
Yes i need to connect using javascript.
Can you please share the HubClass and StartUp Class so that i can find my error.
I am doing same thing like your client javascript but my client unable to connect to Hub.
Thanks in Advance.
sir do you want connect using javascript
If i have to use web service which is SignalR .Net Client then what is the need of SignalR JavaScript Client.