
How to Convert old Visual Basic 6.0 API calls to C#

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Hi, I have a piece of code in VB6.0 that allow you to choose a directory, but I could not convert it to C#, pleaseis posible for some of you help me with this? The code is the following: Private Const BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS = 1 Private Const BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN = 2 Private Const MAX_PATH = 260 Private Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32" _ (lpbi As BrowseInfo) As Long Private Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32" _ (ByVal pidList As Long, _ ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long Private Declare Function lstrcat Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcatA" _ (ByVal lpString1 As String, ByVal _ lpString2 As String) As Long Private Type BrowseInfo hWndOwner As Long pIDLRoot As Long pszDisplayName As Long lpszTitle As Long ulFlags As Long lpfnCallback As Long lParam As Long iImage As Long End Type Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim lpIDList As Long Dim sBuffer As String Dim szTitle As String Dim tBrowseInfo As BrowseInfo Dim sSourcePath As String szTitle = "This is the title" With tBrowseInfo .hWndOwner = Me.hWnd .lpszTitle = lstrcat(szTitle, "") .ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS + BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN End With lpIDList = SHBrowseForFolder(tBrowseInfo) If (lpIDList) Then sBuffer = Space(MAX_PATH) SHGetPathFromIDList lpIDList, sBuffer sBuffer = Left(sBuffer, InStr(sBuffer, vbNullChar) - 1) sSourcePath = sBuffer End If MsgBox (sSourcePath) End Sub Thanks Victor

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