Ok Don't warry we will try another way. i will create demo for you and sand you new code soon as possible.
Nikunj Satasiya sir,
I have already used similar things....but it is not working
I can see there are 3 solution for it .
1. Try this
- HrDesignation[][] arrays = designation.Select(a =>a.ToArray());
instad of
- HrDesignation[][] arrays = designation.Select(a =>a.ToArray()).ToArray();
2. add namespace
3. change name of array any try again. this may help full to you.
try every case one by one. i hope it will work.
Dear Nikunj Satasiya Sir,
'HrDesignation' does not contain a definition for 'ToArray' and no extension method 'ToArray' accepting a first argument of type 'HrDesignation' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
can You Show me Actuall Error u getting .
Thank you sir
Nikunj Satasiya
I am facing problem this line.
HrDesignation[][] arrays = designation.Select(a =>a.ToArray()).ToArray();