
How To Create Universal DAL to connect with any database

Kamal Danush

Kamal Danush

I am new to .net i need a universal database accessing dal layer with it must be coding friendly
Answers (1)
Narasimha Reddy Chennupalli

Narasimha Reddy Chennupalli

NA 1.4k 330.8k 9y
Hi Kamal,
Create one Interface to access for different databases. The below steps help you to maintain universal DAL.
1. Create Interface with the name IDataAccess

Public Interface IDataAccess
void DbConnection();
DataTable GetAllData();
bool InsertData();
bool UpdateData();
bool DeleteData();

2. Implement the interface for Sql database access with the class name DataAcessSql.cs and implement all the methods of IDataAccess interface

Public class DataAccessSql:IDataAccess
Public void DbConnection()
// write the code for Sql connection
Public DataTable GetAllData()
// write the code to get data from Sql database.
Public bool InsertData()
// write the code for inserting data into Sql database.
Public bool UpdateData()
// write the code for updating data into Sql database.

Public bool DeleteData()
// write the code for deleting data from Sql database.


3. Implement the interface for Oracle database access with the class name DataAcessOracle.cs and implement all the methods of IDataAccess interface

Public class DataAccessOracle:IDataAccess
Public void DbConnection()
// write the code for Oracle database connection
Public DataTable GetAllData()
// write the code to get data from Oracle database.
Public bool InsertData()
// write the code for inserting data into Oracle database.
Public bool UpdateData()
// write the code for updating data into Oracle database.

Public bool DeleteData()
// write the code for deleting data from Oracle database.


In this way we can maintain universal DA. We cannot get any conflicts by using different databases.

I hope this will help you to matain universal DAL, let me know if you have any queries on this.