
How to generate popup window and send the value in mvc

 In my requiremenet  I get some values from JsonResult and get that in script.Now I have to show those values in a popup window each with a radio button,when user selects a particular radio button the particular text will be selected to a textbox then I need to send it to database.
I took a div and i am enabling this and not able to show the values,Please help me on this
here is my code 
for (var len = 0; len < result.PartNo.length; len++) {
var markup = "<tr><td><input type='radio'></td><td>" + result.PartNo[len] + "</td></tr>";
$("tblPartNums tbody").append(markup);
height: 200,
width: 350,
modal: true,
Answers (3)
Manoj Bhoir

Manoj Bhoir

NA 7.6k 293.8k 9y
You are using Insert Statement which is mainly used to insert values in table.
In your question you said that you want to create extra columns in your table.
So, use below query instead of Insert.
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype 
For more details please check this link :