
How to make code for Girdview row shows on checkbox?

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Rocky Rocky

Rocky Rocky


Hai Friends,

i wanna create the application like contact details,
i have the concept when "ADMIN" logged in that entire contact list ll be show on gridview with checkbox 'enable','disable' button.
only admin can see the entire contact list if they modified list ll show on other users 'name','location','phone'.
for example:
if admin logged means

checkbox name location    mobile          residence   status
tick              A     chennai   7894561230  22345610 enabled
tick              B     Banglore 1234567890   12345      enabled
not tick        c     Kolkatta   8745612309  887450    disabled

other login peopls:

here only enable contact list ll be shown the Gridview only can view

Name location       Mobile       residence

A         chennai   7894561230 22345610
B         Banglore 1234567890 12345

how to do that?

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