
How to make HTTp requests

I made a JSON service in .net and i need to use it in android app. Service is working fine I double checked. I tried many tutorials but nothing happens. I need a method that can make it heppen. I also tried volley but it also did not work.
Answers (2)
Krishna Rajput Singh

Krishna Rajput Singh

NA 5.5k 2m 8y
Ehsan Sajjad

Ehsan Sajjad

NA 5k 426k 8y
can you show us your code which you are using to consume the web service? and have you looked and have you tried using KSOAP library, you can see basic tutorials of it at following links:<br /><br /><div>http://androidexample.com/Dot_Net_Webservice_Call_-_Android_Example/index.php?view=article_discription&amp;aid=100</div><div></div><div>http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/304302/Calling-Asp-Net-Webservice-ASMX-From-an-Android-Ap</div>