How to pass realtime data on multiple window form
hi, i have a multiple window forms (8 windows forms) application in C# language, but am having problem of passing data between the forms in realtime,i used Delegates for all the child forms which allows me to pass data from parent form but i have to open all the 8 window forms else i get a compiler error. i.e upon start of my application i have to open all the 8 windows in other for the application to pass data effectively.
Brief Description of my Project
my application accepts realtime data (8 time chaging data from a hardware interfaced to the serialport) and sends it to my c# application which displays the 8 variables in 8 different textboxes on the main form also each variable has its own window form acessed via a button click, i have used delegates to pass data from the parent form(Main) to all the eight child forms but the problem is that all the forms has to be open before my application will pass data to it otherwise it throws an exception(compiler error) when i try to can i solve this problem.