
How to replace single quotes in SP

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this is my query
  SELECT AccountNo, BusinessName FROM CustomerDetails WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE BusinessName like @BusinessName + '%' ...
When i execute my SP output Shouldbe like this
AccountNo  BusinessName
10509  Anderson's "The Grocery Store".......
But when iexecut emy SP
--EXEC DBSP_SF_GetAccountsLikeAccNo '10509','Anderson's "The Grocery Store"'
Getting error like...........
Incorrect syntax near 's'.
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ''.

So when i execute my SP adding another Apostrophe after anderson
like EXEC DBSP_SF_GetAccountsLikeAccNo '10509','Anderson''s "The Grocery Store"'
ite executed so i want to replace how to replace  using replace function in SP
plz help me

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