
how to select new record in gridex janus for add in database

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hi every one 
 i want when  i click icon save in navigator that i new record that updat as case select record and add database but not all record select and show one of record is null beacasue not column select. please help me one of column add with value 0 beacasue not column select. and for add record whiout 0 value i was in run one click after edit a record but i dont click i want in code a click after edit that record to be select how this write .
my code:

                ((DataRowView)fatemeBindingSource.Current).Row["code"] = codemax;
                int g, b;
                g = Convert.ToInt32(gridEX1.CurrentRow.Cells["code_b"].Value);
                b = Convert.ToInt32(gridEX1.CurrentRow.Cells["name"].Value);
                ((DataRowView)fatemeBindingSource.Current).Row["code_b"] = g;
                ((DataRowView)fatemeBindingSource.Current).Row["name"] = b;

            catch (Exception ex)

best regards