
How to show records when gridview edit is clicked

Danish Habib

Danish Habib

I have met with an issue the problem is that I have some values in one table and some other values in another table like i have question table and answer table , SO now i want to show my records into a gridview and i want to show main main records as gridview columns header like QuestionText,Submitted By person but the inner detail like what was the answer of that question this details i want  to show when the edit button is clicked I have already a form design which i am using for data submission the FORM HAS THIS KIND OF APPEARANCE

Q#01:TOTAL NUMBER OF  Communities were established. (Target Value) (Achieved Value)

This Target comes from one table and Achieved value comes from another table 

Now When executing the Query I get Multiple rows and on edit I just want to bind the FORM CONTROLS(textboxs) with these comming values from DB , but How to iterate through Rows I cannot use while for every question answer.