
How to use multiple page in mvc4?

Anjali Khan

Anjali Khan


hi frnds

i want to create page like EMPLoyee there 2 fields like Id and name and next button

2. after fillup the data if i click on nect button Emp_Address page will be come there also use 2 buttons

  like prev and next

 a>> after fillup the data click on nect button another page should be open..
 b>> if i click on Prev button First page like Customer page should be open..

3. now 3 rd page will be there .

  here details with 2 button will be there
Prev and Submit

a>> if i click on prev button before page should be open..

b>> if i click on submit button then next page should be open like

 data saved successfully and all page summary should be display on this page..

but i want all things without data base in mvc4/mvc5...

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