
I don't know how to import text file to datagridview then edit afterthat write to database with Linq.

Hello  friend and expert ,
    I have  text file  like  this    48200120420110830I   around 5000 record . The text file from  bar code swipe machine.
The 48200 stand for  employee code , 12042011 stand for 12 April 2011, 0830 stand for time 08:30 AM and I stand for  In/Out ,I=In

I coding to get this text file by stream reader as code below

openFileDialog1.FileName = "";
openFileDialog1.Filter = "Text Files(*.txt)|*.txt";
if(openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
label1.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(openFileDialog1.FileName);

After read the text file I would like to  write the text file to  Datagridview before write to Database.

I design table in database like this.

Emp_code nvarchar(2),
Morning_IN datetime,
Morning_Out datetime,
Afternoon_In datetime,
Afternoon_Out datetime,
Evening_IN datetime,
Evening_Out datetime

But I so confusing and I have question to asking for help as below.

1)  How can I  I write the text file (5000 record )  to Datagridview as my database table design ? Because the text file format
     have a lot of duplicate  employee code ?  ( please forgive me if I  not a good explain )
Emp_code      Morning_IN     Morning_Out    Afternoon_In     Afternoon_Out   Evening_In Evening_Out

2)  I intend to  use the Linq to SQL classes . Please teach me how to   write the  text file to Datagridview and then can allow to edit data at Datagridview. After that click at the button to save to database .

Anyone help me please and this will me the most appreciated.

Pang Foon (Thailand )

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