
I need to display the policies in one page in C#3.5.

suchi rana

suchi rana

Hi All,

I have a task that i need to display the policies in one page in C#3.5.
user will upload the policies docs and that policies are stored in the project.

1.HR Vision & Mission
2.About this Manual
3.Code of Conduct Policy
IT Manual
Admin manual
4.Statutory Compalins 


1.HR Vision & Mission
2.About this Manual
3.Code of Conduct Policy
IT Manual
Admin manual
4.Statutory Compalins

1.Above are the Polcies title list
2.But in my project these polices pdf files are stored in separate folder.
3.when user will click on 1st policy title i need to dispaly that pdf file.
4.These polices are not in database.
5.Now i need to do that user will upload the polices but that pdf files are stored in poject folder only not in database.only need to store the policy titles in DB.

6. But the 3rd policy has the 2 child polices.when user will click on 3rd policy it display the child policies like menu.

Please any one send me the table structure and c# code

Thanks in advance
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