in inheritence concept overridden concept is there ,there i faced a problem i.e child class object is assigned to the parent class reference .so we r accessing the methods with same signature in parent class and child class those only we r accessing. but we r unable acess the other memberes of child class. actually my doubt is in memory point of view we r considered the what we r access the child class memberes by using parent class reference those r also same memory location why can't we r access the other methods of child class
for example
class A //parent class
public void add() //method
class B:A //inheriting
public void add() //assume overridden method we r access only these method only from parent class reference
public void sub() //unable to access the method through parent class reference why?add and sub methods r stored in same memory location but we r access only add method why not sub method
please help me the answer for my question.