Hi folks,
I have a situation where i have several Categories, containing Articles. However, it is not just a simple Category-contains-Article relationship, but rather each Article has one Category set as its Main and several other Categorys set as Secondarys, ie:
public class Category
public LazyList<Article> Articles { get; set; }
public class Article
public Category MainCategory { get; set; }
public LazyList<Category> Categorys { get; set; }
I am populating in a repository with:
public IQueryable<Category> GetCategorys()
return from c in db.WOTS_Categories
let articles = GetArticles(c.Id, true)
orderby c.Name
select new Category(c.Id, c.Name)
Articles = new LazyList<Article>(articles),
public IQueryable<Article> GetArticles()
return from a in db.WOTS_Articles
let main = GetCategorysForArticle(a.Id, true).SingleOrDefault()
let cats = GetCategorysForArticle(a.Id, false)
orderby a.CreatedOn descending
select new Article
MainCategory = main,
Categorys = new LazyList<Category>(cats),
public IQueryable<Category> GetCategorysForArticle(Guid articleId, bool isMain)
return from c in GetCategorys()
join ce in db.WOTS_CategoryEntries on c.Id equals ce.CategoryId
where ce.ArticleId == articleId && ce.IsMain == isMain
orderby c.Name
select c;
The problem i am having though, is it errors with "GetCategorysForArticle(System.Guid, Boolean)' has no supported translation to SQL"
Can anyone assist in diagnosing the problem, or suggesting a better way of achieving what i want?