
Keyboard shortcuts

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I am a Delphi programmer that is trying to start using Visual Studio C#. The language is not a problem as I also program in C and C++ but the environment is proving to be very difficult for me. I've been using Delphi for 10 years now and I have to say that Delphi 1 had a better interface than Visual Studio has. There are a number of things I'm trying to figure out that I hope someone can help me with. 1) F7 and Shift F7 move between form and code. Is there a way to make this a single keystroke or at the very least change the short cut keys so its not a function key in the Middle of the function keys? Like maybe F12.. For example: In Delphi you hit F12 and if you are viewing the form it jumps to the code, if you are in the code it jumps to the form. 2) Is there a way to jump via quickkeys between a function declaration at the top of a unit and the code section that is located down below? I see the drop down lists at the very top but quite honestly those are useless in large projects. For example: In Delphi you just click on a function and hit Ctrl + space bar to jump below. Hit it again and you were back at the top. 3) Is there a way to change the location of your form in the designer? It is positioned to the top left and when you click your tools menu to select an edit field, it opens over the top of the form and you therefore can't place the fields where you wish. YOu have to put them any old place and then move them after the tools menu closes. 4) can anyone show me where to go to find a list of keyboard shortcuts for Visual Studio .net? I don't mind learning new key strokes but can't seem to find a list anywhere. Sorry for the negative remakes about studio, but so far I find my self feeling like I've stepped back in time 10 years rather than making a step forward. Thanks,

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