
List Of Domains

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Hi, I am trying to list out the domains on the server using System.DirectoryServices. It gives domains, but list contains only one domain name. Our server has more that 3 domains and subdomains. The code which i am using is as follows. private StringCollection GetDomainList() { StringCollection domainList = new StringCollection(); try { DirectoryEntry en = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://"); // Search for objectCategory type "Domain" DirectorySearcher srch = new DirectorySearcher("objectCategory=Domain"); SearchResultCollection coll = srch.FindAll(); // Enumerate over each returned domain. foreach (SearchResult rs in coll) { ResultPropertyCollection resultPropColl = rs.Properties; foreach( object domainName in resultPropColl["name"]) { domainList.Add(domainName.ToString()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.Write(ex.Message); } return domainList; } Is it the correct way to list the domains? It is giving only the domain name in which i am a user and i log in with this user. This domain has subdomains and also along with this other domains are also there. Can you please help out? Thanx Iftach