
Looking for a C# Tutor

thiago costa

thiago costa

Hello there guys...

I am looking for a c# tutor, that can offer an affordable price, I will always pay ahead of time... I can pay with paypal...

My idea is, a Remote Session ... could be with TeamViewer, or any remote software of your choice...

My questions will be very basic, ... I am looking to spend about

$150 ~ $300 per month ... depending on everything...

My available times:
7 PM ~ 1:00 AM (NY, Boston TIME) Monday - Fri
ALL DAY Saturday and Sundays

Maybe 1 hour per day, or 2 hours per saturday, or sunday ... We can do per hour, per week, per month, what ever you would like...

I will pay ahead of time... and we can talk as we go...
I will not write 273817238973981 questions to ask all at once, ...

I will just go slowly, because I don't want to get the code down, I want to understand the code...

Long time ago I talked with Mahesh ... he is very nice guy, unfortunately he was busy to help, he did sujest me do ask for help, but now I found more free time I got a new job that is less time consumming ....

To contribute to the website, I will post all my new learnings on the forums, to help others. and Also, I will use the new codes, to update our C# Generator on our Downloads section that I haven't updated in a long time.

Thanks guys
Answers (6)